22 September 2010


 I found some books in the library based on architecture which i foud when doing research from my essay, which have inspired me, these include Lost Europe, images of a vanished world - This is a photographic chronicle of architectural treasures that have been lost to civilisation by conflicts and disasters of the twentieth century. Some of the images in here are really interesting, and obviously there was a lot of history and importance surrounding these structures at the point in time when they were still standing.
 Then there is Building with Light by Robert Elwall, this book looks at how photography has had a close and mutually stimulating relationship with architecture. It offers an exploration of the development of photography and some of its key themes.
 The last book is called forcidden places, and this is the bok that has got me most excited and inspired. It is written by a man galled Sylvaine margiane and from a young age he and his father would go out to abandoned places and take photos, and explore. For ten years, he has travelled the world in search of these forgotten places. It is a photographic report, and the images are lovely, they really capture the spirit of the places the photographer was in.
I think this is the sort of work I want to do, but i just need to work out how to go about it.

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