1 June 2011

Facebook log - dream convo

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about an hour ago · Like · Comment

about an hour ago · Like

Keeley Birch ‎:( not funny. x
about an hour ago · Like · http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/yF/r/tddUIK01p63.png 1 person

Keeley Birch Are you happy? Are you losing teeth and then getting new ones? It may mean that you are growing and moving forward.

Turns out, that horrible half hour means that I'm happy and moving forward?......bollocks.
about an hour ago · 
Halle Emily Rider I'm doing project on dream interpretation, and learned that the best way to interpret them is to do it yourself, generic interpretation from websites and stuff is the same for everyone... I've been recording mine and then trying to analyse them. Have you watched anything/talked about teeth? I find it tends to be stuff on your mind that comes out in dreams, or if u relate how u felt in the dream to stuff going on in ur life, like stress, panic etc Xx
38 minutes ago · Like
Martin Frost Halle, yes that is a better way, it's how I try to interpret dreams and thoughts that happen to me. Sometimes I can smell certain things, and it's my body saying it needs something (oranges=Vitamin C, coffee=caffeine, etc). Maybe Kei just needs to have a dental checkup?!!
32 minutes ago · Like
ive never had any problems with my teeth, ever, no braces, fillings, removals, crowns ect.

But in the dream they grew big. Like long, and wide, and surprisingly I wasnt self concious about them, only slight discolouration but no disease, and
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26 minutes ago · Like
In my humble opinion::
You were saying earlier about being a bit tired from the weekend's drinking/Planet Zogg/etc activities. The teeth you grew sound a lot like vampire teeth - creature of the night. So to dispel the vampiric teeth sounds
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18 minutes ago · Like

Keeley Birch Possibly, I am up until 4am most evenings, and severly nocturnal currently.

But oddly enough, I do like the idea of being a vampire. *shrugs*
16 minutes ago · Like
lol, I like the idea of being a vampire too, likewise my sleep pattern is all over the place flitting between somnia and insomnia. 
But it could just be that you need to catch up on some sleep to recharge your batteries, even vampires have t
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12 minutes ago · Like
Keeley Birch Not this one! :) x
12 minutes ago · Like

in the dream you didnt seem to be that disturbed by it - i had one yesterday when i had a nap, about being in a school and this girl using my memory stick and i had bad feelings about her, then

she was like urgh loko at your legs and my fee...See more
10 minutes ago · Like
I wouldnt say I was a vampire I wasnt doing vampiry things, but, i guess the teeth did kinda be vampiry.

And possibly a change, everythings changing currently. More than I let on to anyone haha.

So that would indeed make more sense. :)
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