31 March 2011

Surrealist dream work - experimenting with Photoshop and scale

After research, it seems that most surrealist photographers use heavy editing to create their work. I believe to achieve the effect I want, I am going to have to do the same thing. Taken from my Alice inspiration, I have created some self portraits of me small, and big. Also included are some photoshop experiments with surrealism.

For the above image 'hand eyes' I have taken inspiration from Pans Labyrinth. I think this effect was really eerie in the film, and I have experimented with this notion and this is evident in the above image.

(Pans Labyrinth- NOT my image, just inspiration.)

For the images where I experiment with style, this was inspiration taken from Alice in Wonderland, one of my favourite Disney films, and also PC game, see below!

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