15 May 2011

After previous photoshoot....

I Am not feeling totally happy with the images from my last photo shoot. I feel like there is something not quite right somehow. I think some of the images work well and some of them don't. My least favourite one is the one of the guy cutting off his tongue, I feel like its an awkward image, and doesn't wrk well aesthetically or visually. I really like the first image, with things flying out of the suitcase, and this is meant to be the main image that all the other dreams are extensions of. However after talking to someone else, it feels far too happy, with the colours and objects to be representative of disturbing dreams. I am thinking about going in a different direction again, and maybe experimenting more with other things flying out of the suitcase, maybe going even more basic and creating sort of structures with symbolic objects to represent the different dreams. A bit worried about this though, EEK. not much time left...

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