14 May 2011

New Direction - Pandora's Suitcase

So after my project realisation, and after a lot of thought, I have decided to go for in a much more contemporary art direction. As I feel it is near enough impossible to recreate dreams, I want to focus on feelings we feel within dreams. For this, I am going back to basics, strip my idea right down, and create a purely representational series of images, looking at common dream themes so the viewer may be able to relate.

The title of my series will be 'Pandora's suitcase' as I want to represent the mind as a suitcase, and how there are many things that we repress in the day in our minds, but when we sleep these can run riot around our heads, and hence the idea of  the mind being similar to Pandora's box. Instead, i have used as a suitcase as a suitcase also represents the idea of travel and being portable, and that is exactly what our minds our - they go everywhere with us, and pick up loads of different thoughts and feelings along the way.
 I think it is important that the suitcase is in some way incorporated in all of the images, as a way of linking the images together in the series, but also as a reminder within the picture that the mind and the subconscious is always there throughout whatever dreams we have. I want the suitcase in this sense to appear menacing somehow, and I suppose I am going to have to create that with the content, lighting, and spacial awareness within my work.

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